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Injury & Violence

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FloridaHealthFinder.gov Hospital and Emergency Department Query
This query tool, provided by the Agency for Health Care Administration, shows data by hospital and by county for inpatient, outpatient, and emergency department visits.
The tool provides number of visits, average length of stay, total charges and average charges. It also allows data users to filter or sort results by hospital, county, payer, discharge status, diagnosis groups and more.

Florida Injury Surveillance Data System
This webpage contains data for both fatal and non-fatal injuries. Leading statewide injuries (top 10 charts) are available by year, statewide and by county that show types of injury by age groups.

Evidence-based Health Intervention Strategies
This site from the Missouri Department of Public Health is an interactive, evidence-based public health intervention planning tool. It describes effective intervention practices to improve community health and provides information, tools and resources for intervention design, implementation and evaluation.

Drugs in Deceased Persons Reports
These annual reports from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Florida Medical Examiners provide drug-related deaths based on toxicology results by area of Florida and type of drug.

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